Friday, September 22, 2006

Hello everyone! We have been so busy these past few weeks! It is so nice with the weather cooler! We have been at the park almost every day. Sullivan loves the playground and loves walking around outside. This week, Sullivan started a fun music class with his best bud, Malley. We sang all kinds of songs and Sullivan played many different musical instruments. It was a fun morning and Sullivan had a blast! Sullivan is becoming quite the walker. He is starting to prefer walking over crawling, so we bought him his first little pair of shoes! He is so cute walking around!

Here is a sweet picture of Sullivan and Malley after their music class.

We LOVE music class!

Here is Sully at playgroup on Friday. Sullivan LOVES playing with his friends on Fridays.

Last weekend we were up in Kentucky for Brett's 10 year high school reunion. It was a fun weekend catching up with old friends and visiting with Sully's grandparents. Carl built Sullivan a fort in their backyard and Sullivan really enjoyed playing in it. He also had a great time with Culvert, Carl's dog. Culvert usually only lets Carl get close, but by the end of the weekend, he allowed Sully to get close and even touch his cold, wet nose! What a fun weekend for Sullivan.

Here are some pictures of the weekend.

The fort has 2 levels and a trap door. What a great fort for a Sully!


Carl's friend keeps a furry, white bunny at his house. He brought the bunny over to meet Sullivan. Sully thought it was quite fun and loved rubbing his soft ears!

Hey guys!!

This weekend is going to be really nice. Brett and I have a lot of tennis--we have a mixed doubles match tonight, Brett has men's tennis tomorrow, and I have women's on Sunday. It will be a busy weekend at the courts. Sully will enjoy all the extra attention from his friends at tennis and Grancie and Gramps. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

xxoo The Palmers xxoo

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