Friday, April 18, 2008

Ansley and Sully's April update!

Hey everyone! We have been LOVING the spring weather over the past few weeks! We had a little cold snap, but mostly pretty and warm days! Sara came to visit during her Spring Break and we went to the zoo, Ansley learned to roll from her tummy to her back, and Sully has been enjoying playing outside! Ansley is now 3.5 months old and she is a very smiley baby! She is on a great schedule with three predictable naps and she sleeps from 830pm to 730 am! Yeah for sleep! She plays a lot when she is awake and has learned to grab toys and is starting to enjoy her "tummy time" a bit more. She is growing so fast!

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks...enjoy!

Visit with Sara! Fun times at the zoo!

Hey, Sara! I'm a panda!

Sully's favorite animal is the elephant and he was VERY excited to visit them with Sara. He talked about the elephants all day!

Ansley enjoyed the elephants, too. Can't you just see the excitement on her face? hahaha! She has been to the zoo three times already since she has been born and she has no clue...oh, all the things Sully will teach her about the animals when she is old enough! Sully is obsessed with animals!

Finally time to get the water table back out!



Tummy Time!

Ansley at 3.5 months (16 weeks)

Ansley is becoming quite fun to play with. She coos and "talks" a lot more than Sully ever did. She giggles and smiles a lot and is VERY squirmy! She is always bobbing her head when you hold her and kicking her arms and legs when on the floor. It is so funny how different she is than Sully was at her age. She is much more busy! :)

Have a great weekend!

xxoo Tracy, Brett, Sullivan, and Ansley xxoo

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