Thursday, February 21, 2008

What's new with the Palmers?

Hey everyone! We have been quite busy over the past few weeks. We have had many visits to the park,a visit from Auntie Kelli, a big trip down to the Georgia Aquarium, and Brett and I even had an afternoon out while Lindsay and Grancie and Pip played with the kids! Ansley is growing like crazy and is showing more of her personality every day. She is 8 weeks old today! She is now smiling a lot and enjoying more awake time so we can play with her on her mat or make silly faces. Sully loves to make her smile! She is still a very good eater and is gaining weight steadily...she has some nice rolls on her arms and legs and chubby cheeks! Here are some cute pictures of Ansley...

Smiley Ansley!
Sully was dangling a toy over Ansley's head...she thought it was super fun!
When Ansley is not smiling or crying, this is usually the face Ansley is making...look at those chubby cheeks!
Sully at the Park
Sully loves a fun day at the park!

Picture time!
Trip to the Georgia Aquarium
Sully was checking out the jellyfish...what a cool display!
One of Sully's favorite parts was when he touched a stingray. There was an area where they had many sharks and stingrays that you could touch. Sully was too scared to touch the shark, and he finally got up enough courage to touch the stingray by the end. He was SO proud of himself! Sully was just checking things out
Getting closer...
He got it!
Sully loved this room...we went back several times. Maybe it was because when you were in the room, everyone looked a light shade of blue!
Even Ansley liked the room...
Mommy and Sully
Ansley is looking up at Sully probably wondering who that crazy kid is...haha

Enjoy the pictures!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, Sullivan, and Ansley xxoo

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