Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy July!

Hey everyone! Sully has been a busy boy these past few weeks! He is really starting to become quite the talker and is picking up new words everyday! We really have to be careful what we say around him! For the 4th of July, we went to Grancie and Gramps' house for a cookout and to see Sully's Great Uncle Bobby and Auntie Lynne! It was the first time they had met Sullivan and were not diappointed! Sully warmed right up and was quite the "show-off!" He had such a great time! His favorite activity was playing play-doh with Uncle Bobby! He was so sad for them to leave that he cried! In fact, he still walks around the house saying, "Bobby!" when I get out the play-doh! So funny!
Here are some pictures from their visit and from Sully doing his chores at Grancie's house on the 4th!
Sully helped water the flowers!
Aunt Lindsay helped Sully get the water in the flowers instead of down the front of his shirt!
Sully decided the deck needed some sweeping!

Sully with Uncle Bobby and Auntie Lynne
Time for play-doh!
Sully's favorite thing to make is snakes! He is quite good at rolling out the play-doh. Uncle Bobby and Grancie were helping him.
Sully made a snake!
Yesterday, Sully and I went on an outting to the library. Sully picked out some books and was so excited to read them, he wouldn't eat his lunch! He eventually put the books down and ate some food, but not before I snapped some cute pictures!
So intelligent sitting there reading! haha
Sully LOVES Elmo--he was so excited to read his Elmo book!
What is it about Elmo? :)
At the end of the book, Elmo pops out--you can just look at the picture of Sully to see what he thought of that! So fun!
Hope you enjoyed the pictures! We are leaving in the morning for the beach and will be gone until the following Wednesday! Yeah for a week at the beach with Brett and Sully! Sullivan has never seen the ocean, so I know we are going to have a blast and some fun pictures to share when we return! Have a wonderful week and we will catch up with you soon!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, and Sullivan xxoo

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