Friday, January 06, 2006

Playful Sullivan!

Sullivan turned 5 months old on Wednesday! He is becoming so playful and active. This is definately a fun age for us. We enjoy making him laugh and giggle, and he is so interested in his surroundings. Here are some cute pictures of Sullivan from the past couple of weeks, and a few pictures of Sully with his cousins from Mississippi!!

Sullivan was playing so hard with his toys that he fell asleep. He was so sweet!!

A couple of days ago, it was beautiful and 65 degrees, so Sully and I spent some time outside. Sullivan played in his bouncy seat while I read the newspaper. It was a relaxing afternoon.

After we eat dinner, we let Sullivan sit at the table with us while we chat. He loves to pretend that he is playing the piano. Who knows...maybe he is a musical genius and will be a concert pianist!!! We think he sure is cute playing!! hehe

So happy!!!! He loves to play!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

xxoo Tracy, Brett, and Sullivan xxoo

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