More big news with Ansley...
We have finally hit the jackpot---Ansley is walking! I was so excited for her to start walking so we could really start enjoying the park...she now can toddle around at the park and not get so dirty and I don't have to worry as much about what she is crawling on! She was a bit late with her walking, but Ansley likes to do things in her own time, and so she has now decided it is quite fun to walk. Here are some cute pictures of her first days walking...
Hey guys, look at me! She is so proud of herself!
Go Ansley! 
Concentrating very hard!
My sweet angels
Can you tell from these pictures which one of my angels is the naughty one? :) :)
Look what I found, Sully!
Wonder what they were thinking?
Mom! Just let me ride! 
So excited and proud of herself! 
This is Ansley's "Don't mess with me!" look! :)
A rare Sully smile :)
Love Ansley's look in this she is thinking she has better things to do! hahaha
We have finally hit the jackpot---Ansley is walking! I was so excited for her to start walking so we could really start enjoying the park...she now can toddle around at the park and not get so dirty and I don't have to worry as much about what she is crawling on! She was a bit late with her walking, but Ansley likes to do things in her own time, and so she has now decided it is quite fun to walk. Here are some cute pictures of her first days walking...
We are SO proud of our sweet Ansley Leigh and Sully is excited to see her walk...he loves to encourage her...and knock her down... :) :)
Last week we took another trip down to the Georgia Aquarium...always a fun day for the kids...Ansley LOVES it and LOVES crawling up to the glass...I gave up on worrying about all the germs on the floor and just let her crawl around...she appreciated me chilling out and letting her roam! :) Sully, of course, loved every minute! There was supposed to be a brand new octopus at the aquarium since we had been there last so we went on an octopus hunt and finally at the very end of the day found it in a corner of a tank! It was so fun watching Sully all day look around to find it...we were SO exicted to finally find it!!! Here are some fun pictures from the day.
We have had a TON of rain this past month, which has kept us from playing outside as much as we would like, when it is nice we are always outside soaking it in...Sully's favorite thing to do these days is ride his bike with Matthew down the street...they are only 2 weeks lucky were we to move in 2 houses down from a buddy for Sully!!! Here is Sully on his bike...can you tell he hates getting his picture taken? :) :)
We took advantage of another rain-free day and met Brett at the park by his office for lunch...we got our Daddy fix and Brett got away from the office for awhile to play! Yeah! Ansley was enjoying hanging from the bars...these pictures are hilarious! :)
Enjoy the pictures!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, Sullivan, and Ansley xxoo
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