Ansley is still not walking completely. She can take about 5-10 steps, but much prefers to crawl or walk behind a toy, so I guess little Ansley will walk when SHE is ready...much like her Mommy, she does things her own way in her own time! :) She is starting to learn more signs like dog, eat, more, takes a lot to get her to sit still to learn because she always wants to be doing what Sully is doing and going where he is going...what a fun life that would be!!! :) She babbles like crazy and can say random words like Amos, cat, and uh-oh, but mostly just babbles come from that sweet mouth. We are really enjoying watching her personality sprout...she is definately FULL of personality...she cracks us up!
Sully is becoming quite the independent little man...he likes to go to the bathroom and wash his hands all by himself (except in public--Mommy makes sure she helps him), he can get himself dressed, he helps me cook and set the table each night, he is the best at helping clean up toys, and he can ride his 2 wheeler now (with training wheels--of course). It is so fun watching him with Ansley now...they are really playing with each other and he is just the best, sweetest big brother...what a fun pair the two of them are....and how lucky am I to spend my days with them.
We are still always on a fun adventure whether it be to the park, the zoo, the aquarium, indoor play areas, the Y--you name it, we try it and have a blast doing it. We are REALLY excited about Spring and all the fun activities that brings...we love eating and playing outside all day!!!
My Angels...
Here are a few pictures of me with my lucky am I to spend my days with them and how lucky are they to have so many fun experiences in their young lives...We are truly blessed.
Here are some fun pictures over the past few weeks. My favorites are the ones of Sully playing with his little girlfriends at Malley's house...he had no issue with playing dress-up with the girls...enjoy! :)
Snow in Atlanta!!
A few weeks ago we had an afternoon of snow! Brett and I were in Sugar Mountain, NC with some friends for the weekend so we were driving home in the snow and missed playing with Sully. I think Ansley was napping and missed it all...snow in Atlanta never lasts long! Grancie and Pip made sure they took Sully outside to enjoy the snow for are some pictures! Enjoy!

Visit with Mnee and PupPup!
We were lucky enough to see Mnee and PupPup twice this winter...once in Brays Island with Auntie Charlene and then they came to Atlanta on their way back to PA in February. We had a great weekend and they even did some babysitting at Grancie and Pip's house while Brett and I went on a date night! Fun Fun! We always love extra babysitters! :) Here are a few shots of their trip!

Many trips to the Zoo!
We have been to the zoo 3 times since our last blog entry...twice with friends and once with Grancie and Pip. Of course, Sully had a great time on all three trips...he is still OBSESSED with animals and each time we go he gets as excited as if it were his first trip to the zoo! I am looking forward to this Spring so we can go even more often! Ansley is just now really starting to notice the animals. She kicks around and points and even tries to talk to the is so fun to see her face when she finds the animal...I am sure she will have a love for animals too. Here are some pictures from all of our trips over the past 6 weeks.

Happy Birthday Zizzie!
Lindsay turned 26 this year and we had a yummy dinner and yummy treats to celebrate...she tried to get Ansley in the picture, but Ansley had other plans...Sully, of course, took advantage of some extra Zizzie cuddles! :)
My little chicken...
Ansley hasn't really worn dresses yet because they are just a pain when you are crawling, but I couldn't resist this cute little chicken dress that Malley used to wear. Hopefully, Ansley will start to walk all the time, so Ansley can start wearing some cute dresses! Girls are so fun to dress!
I know it was a HUGE blog this time...I will be better from now on...more updates, more often! Enjoy the pictures!!!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, Sullivan, and Ansley xxoo
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