We LOVE Christmas time in our family...this week was a super fun week! We drive through the neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights, Sully and I made a gingerbread house while Ansley took a nap, we went to the aquarium with some friends, and I took Sully to have breakfast with Malley, Catey, and SANTA!!!! It was SO much fun...we have had a really fun week---Christmas is SO fun this year with Sully understanding and getting excited about EVERYTHING! He has a very specific list--short, but very specific---he wants a Diego Rescue Pack and a Diego Animal Science Book--if you don't know Diego, he is a cartoon character on TV who rescues animals and if you know Dora the Explorer--Diego is Dora's cousin--of course Sully would love a show about animals! Sully told Santa what he wanted today and I think he will bring it because he is on the "good boy" list this year...he might even bring Sully a bike with training wheels to go with his Diego stuff...I heard him mention it this morning....wink wink! :)
Sully has been a little apprehensive about Santa...not totally scared like last year, but very cautious, so I was not sure if he would want to sit with him today at breakfast...well....HE DID! I was really excited, because I really want him to be excited and not scared about Santa. He and Malley did really well...they are getting so grown up! We will go see Santa again this week with Ansley...I am sure she won't mind him, but we will see. :)
Here are some fun pictures from our fun week...enjoy!
Gingerbread House Project

Sully was very good at placing the candy on the house
Ansley was playing sweetly while we finished up...she woke up from her nap when we were halfway done.

Hey guys, I want to get up there and help!

Ansley playing in her and Sully's "kitchen" in the laundry room.

Hey...if you guys are going to make a mess...I am too! :)

Sully was proud of his work!

Day at the Aquarium! Ansley loved it! Sully, of course, loved it...he saw animals! :)


Ansley would crawl up to the glass and put her little hands up and just squeal at the fish...she really loved it! Maybe she will be a lover of animals like big brother!

Sully and his buddies...check out Ansley in this picture...her face is hilarious!

checking things out

So fun!

There was a moving sidewalk and the kids thought it was a train...Sully is yelling Choo! Choo! in this picture.
Breakfast with Santa!

Santa came and sat with Sully for a little bit. Sully was VERY brave and managed to tell him what he wanted for Christmas. :)

Malley and Sully eating breakfast!

A little scared, but he did it!

Looking a lit more relaxed with Malley sitting with him. What a cute couple! :)

Decorating gingerbread cookies!

A big hug for Santa on the way out...what an adorable picture!
Ansley stayed home with Daddy and took a nap...she was a very good girl...we snapped a picture of her being sweet as can be when we got home. She is getting sweeter by the day...love this age! :)

Enjoy the pictures and the fun Christmas season!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, Sullivan, and Ansley xxoo
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