I made the mistake of not posting some pictures before Christmas, so this post is going to be a long one and then I am going to do a separate blog for sweet Ansley Leigh's birthday. Oh, what a fun Christmas season we had! We decorated oodles of cookies, ate lots of yummy sweets, played with so many fun friends and family, and even had a visit from Santa--that's right...Sully and Ansley were on the good boy and girl list this year, so Santa came and brought them presents! What a great Christmas!
Christmas Eve we went to church and Sully sat in with us. He was great and really enjoyed all the fun singing and especially loved the candlelight service...he helped Brett hold his candle. Ansley enjoyed playing with her friends in the nursery. Maybe she can join in on the fun next year. :) We came home and read "The Night Before Christmas" with the kids and then Sully decorated his cookies for Santa! Santa must have loved them because most of them were gone the next morning!!!!
Christmas morning...Santa brought Sully a bike with training wheels and a Go Diego Go rescue pack and animal science book (from the TV show Go Diego Go!) and Ansley got a sweet doll with some other little toys. Their stockings each had some fun socks, fun toothbrushes, Ansley had some fun cups, and Sully had a shark and a whale in it....just what he needs...more animals!!!
Later in the day, Zizzie, Grancie, and Pip came over and Carl and Kathy (Mome and Pop) came from Kentucky to celebrate the fun day. We had a fun day and a yummy dinner. Sully loves his new cash register...he scans everything!!!!
Friday we went to the zoo with Carl and Kathy...Sully, of course thought that was just the best day ever...he can never get enough of the zoo!!! I, unfortunately, don't have any pictures from the zoo...we go so often I kind of forgot to snap some shots!
Saturday was Ansley's first birthday and I am going to dedicate an entire entry to my sweet girl...we had the BEST day! So, these last few pictures are from before Christmas...Sully's program at school and a fun afternoon of decorating cookies with sweet Malley Anna. :)
Ansley in her kitchen....
Ansley's favorite place in the house is in our laundry room off the kitchen. She and Sully have a little kitchen set-up and play in there while I cook dinner. Ansley is just getting tall enough to stand up and pretend that she is cooking...she LOVES it in there and usually prefers to play in that little room rather than to play where all of her toys are in the den. I am sure as she gets older, she will play many hours of pretend in that room.
This year Sully did a very good job singing in his Christmas program at school. Last year he just stood and played with his belly button the whole time...but, this year he sang and did all the hand motions like he was supposed to. We were very proud of him. Grancie, Pip, and Daddy snuck away from the office for a little while to watch our little man...what a fun morning! We mostly took video, but here are a few shots we got so you can get a little glimpse of the show.

Enjoy the pictures...hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, Sullivan, and Ansley xxoo
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