This weekend, Sullivan played with his great grandparents Mnee and PupPup. It was a fun weekend for a Sully with lots of extra hugs and kisses. Sullivan is so lucky to have great grandparents who love him so much. Here are some fun pictures. Enjoy!

PupPup and Sully played "Borey, Borey" ( a fun tickle game). I remember when PupPup played that game with me when I was little! Sullivan LOVED it and giggled so loudly when PP would tickle him.

Mnee had a great time chasing after Sully all weekend. She got some great exercise! Sully was all over the place and Mnee loved being right there with him!

Sully had such a great weekend! He took a marathon nap on Monday--3 hours! He must of been worn out from all the fun.

These pictures are kind of dark because it was nighttime when we took them. Sully was out in the yard on Saturday and was having quite a good time!

Enjoy the pictures!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, and Sullivan xxoo
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