Sullivan has started to crawl! He is not up on his hands and knees yet, but he crawls on his belly and uses his arms and legs to help him move. He has become quite fast and he is very proud of himself! He crawls from room to room and usually talks while he is crawling. It is really cute! Sullivan is also starting to walk if we hold his hands above his head. He is becoming quite the mobile little guy. My days of watching Sullivan play in one spot are over! He is a crawling machine!
Here are some pictures of Sullivan demonstrating his new skill. It is hard to see from the still picture, so you will have to just imagine how cute Sullylooks wiggling around on the ground.

Off he goes...

He is so busy!

Sullivan's favorite object to crawl to is our basket in the living room. We can put the basket down the hallway and he will wiggle his little body as fast as he can to grab it. Here, I put it across the room so I could take a fun picture of Sullivan crawling towards it.
Sullivan LOVES his baths, and we love to take pictures of him in the tub. Sullivan is finally growing some hair, so the other night, we had some fun with the shampoo.

Do I look ridiculous?
Enjoy the pictures!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, and Sullivan xxoo
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