Hey everyone! We have been so busy since Sully has started school! Sully goes on Monday/Wed/Fri mornings from 930-130. Ansley and I have been enjoying the alone time...she has a play group with some other friends her age on Mondays, music class on Wednesdays, and on Fridays we try to hit a park or do some puzzles or art activity together. It is so fun to just have Ansley all to myself!!! Here is a picture of Sully on his first day of school!

SO excited!

He LOVES school this year and has made a lot of new friends and really likes his teachers. What a fun time for him and a nice break for me. :)
Soccer Time!!!
Sully has started to play soccer on a team out of a local park. His team is called the "Strikers" and his coach is our neighbor down the street. He plays with Matthew and Jack on the team and is having a great time! We had an interesting first game with a few tears, but he did great and I think is going to have a blast this season!!! He LOVES wearing his uniform and his cleats! So fun! Here are some soccer pictures.

Go Sully!

Sully and Matthew--Matt lives 2 houses down and they have truly become best buds. They play almost every afternoon together and play really well...Sully is SO lucky to have a friend like Matthew just 2 houses down and on the same soccer team. :)

Sully was not posing for this picture...he didn't even know I took it...what a pose he was striking! :)
Day at Yellow River Game Ranch
We went to the Yellow River Game Ranch one morning a few weeks ago to go check out some animals. The place is so fun because the animals just roam on the property. Some animals are caged, but most are just walking around and you can feed them crackers and carrots. It was SO fun for the kids to be that close to the animals. Here are some pictures from our fun adventure.

It was hard for Ansley not to eat the food herself, but she found a way to share with the deer...she LOVED it when they would come up to her. I had to keep her in the stroller, though, because she liked to wander off into the restricted areas! I would have to go retrieve her and it made me nervous that I was then in the restricted areas as well! I was afraid of animal attacks! haha I did end up getting attacked by a squirrel on the back of my leg that day...I screamed! :)

I bet you can imagine how excited Sully was to be in a place where he was surrounded by animals he could "take care of" like a zoo keeper! He asks weekly to go back...he LOVED it! :)

Is that pig not fat or what? Hilarious!
Tugaloo Triathlon
I participated in my first Olympic Triathlon a few weeks ago. It was a 1.5K swim, 40K bike, and 10K run. It was SO fun and I can see myself easily becoming addicted if I had the time to train. In a few years when I am not taking so many trips to animal farms, maybe I will find myself training for more of these a year! I had a great time and actually did really well compared to the rest of the women... 13th overall and 3rd in my age group and 20 minutes under my goal time. I was very excited. :)

Off for a 26 mile ride! It was a really pretty course, so this was my favorite part of the race.

Back from a very hilly run. Ouch! I was glad to be done. :)

Go me! :)
Fire truck Party!
One of Sully and Ansley's friend, Elijah, had a really fun birthday party a few weeks ago. He had a fire truck come to his house! The kids got to sit in the truck and they even went for a ride around the neighborhood. It was a really fun morning for the kids. Here are some pictures of the day.

My fireman and firelady...

and my firehubby... :)

Ansley enjoyed sitting in the truck and pretended to drive!

Sully wouldn't get in with Ansley, because he wanted to get in with his leading firelady, Malley. They are still best friends! :)
Hope you enjoyed the pictures...we will have some more soon...Ansley got her first haircut this past weekend...when I get the pictures uploaded on my computer, I will post them. Have a great weekend!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, Sullivan, and Ansley xxoo