Can you believe how fast time has gone by? Little Ansley is now one month old! We went to the doctor today for her checkup and the doctor said that she is VERY healthy and doing wonderfully! She gained 3 lbs already in one month! She now weighs 10lbs 10.5 oz! She is a little porker! I guess all those hours sitting in the chair feeding her has paid off! Ansley is definately more alert during the day and likes playing with her big brother...well, laying on her mat while he plays around her! Sully has taught her all the names of his animals---he puts them right up to her face and will say, "Baby Ansley, this is an elephant." and then he will make the sound that the animal makes---it is hilarious! She is sleeping a little better at night, but not great yet. I am working on a new routine this week, and I think she is going to be sleeping much better in the next few nights--cross your fingers! :) She is a great sleeper in the car and in her carseat, which is good for me and Sully--we still get out each morning to go on our various adventures. Sully loves having Ansley along for the ride! Enjoy the pictures of Ansley on her one month b-day!
Have a great rest of your week. We will update again soon!
xxoo Tracy, Brett, Sullivan, and Ansley xxoo