I have a kid in Kindergarten. I have a kid in Kindergarten. I have a kid in Kindergarten! Yes, I had to write that three times, because sometimes I still can't believe it!!! Kindergarten is "real deal" school! This is the beginning of a lifetime of school for my little Sully! I used to think when he was a baby that it would be forever until he was in elementary school. Time has FLOWN by and here he is in Kindergarten. I am so proud of him and I am SO excited for him this year. He is so excited about school and for learning how to read. I know this year is going to be awesome. His two teachers, Ms. McDaniel and Ms. Elliot, seem great and Sully said he has already made some new friends. He LOVED the first day. He loved the bus, buying his lunch, his class, his teachers, he loved recess, P.E., riding the bus home with the Klockers (our neighbors), and he loved using his alarm clock! I am SO happy that he had a great first day and is just as excited for day 2 as he was for day 1! We are blessed to be in such a great school cluster and live in a neighborhood with such wonderful families. Yeah for Kindergarten!! Even though I still can't believe it...I mean, I am still to young for a kid in elementary school, right? hehe :)
Of course Mommy made Sully pose for many pictures before heading to the bus stop :)
He is so cute. :)
Sully and our neighbor, Camille...she is in his class too!!! :)
Here comes the bus!!!
He didn't even look back...just hopped right on! :)
It was cute to watch his little head walk down the isle to find a seat :)
Someone was a little sad to see him go....
What a sweet, sad face. Don't worry, Ansley, he will be back! :)
Time to come home!
All smiles! Must of been a fun day!
He melted my heart when he came running with his arms stretched out for a hug! xxoo
Sully and The Klockers!
Yeah for a great first day!!!